Inspiring Autumn - Stock Music
-振奋人心,积极向上,鼓舞人心,激励人心的音乐作品. Catchy and dreamy melodies in this upbeat, inspiring, uplifting, soft, lite, minimal, corporate, motivational, acoustic...
Inspire Production Pack Stock Music
  一个鼓舞人心的,温暖和柔软的背景轨道完美设置一个乐观和激励的情绪. Live guitars create a warm, incredible atmosphere. Air pianos and bells add brilliance. Claps...
Quiet Borealis / Relaxing LoFi
安静的北极光/放松的北极光(LoFi) #北极光(LoFiAurora) #北极光(northnlightmusic) #极光(auroralchill)被声音的极光迷住了, 寒冷的节奏与神秘的北方天空相遇的地方.
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Moon Gleam / Relaxing LoFi
放松的LoFi# lofilumin# GlowingBeats # luminouslofi用发光的声音照亮你的空间, where each note glows with the warmth of lo-fi chill.
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Acoustic Logo - Stock Music

Acoustic Logo - Stock Music by VictorMusicProduction

A calm and atmospheric intro logo music track. It features an acoustic guitar and synths. Perfect for branding, idents, marketing, promotional content, advertising, commercials, trademark animation...
Beautiful  Piano Emotions

Beautiful Piano Emotions by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

让自己沉浸在一个温柔而深沉的情感世界里,感受“美妙的钢琴情感”. 这迷人的钢琴音乐旨在唤起温暖,怀旧和内心平静的感觉.
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Spice Route / Relaxing LoFi
香料路线/放松LoFi#LoFiSaffron #SpicyBeats #ExoticChillSpice用LoFiSaffron的异国情调和辛辣的旋律来增加你的听觉体验, infused with chill.
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Golden Chill / Relaxing LoFi
金色清凉/放松LoFi#LoFiSaffron #SpicyBeats #ExoticChillSpice用LoFiSaffron的异国情调和辛辣的旋律来增加你的听觉体验, infused with chill.
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Sparkle Fade / Relaxing LoFi
放松的LoFi# lofilumin# GlowingBeats # luminouslofi用发光的声音照亮你的空间, where each note glows with the warmth of lo-fi chill.
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Quiet Light / Relaxing LoFi
放松的LoFi# lofilumin# GlowingBeats # luminouslofi用发光的声音照亮你的空间, where each note glows with the warmth of lo-fi chill.
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Silent Echo / Relaxing LoFi
静音回声/放松LoFi# lofiquiet #PeacefulSounds # quiet chill在声音的世界里找到你安静的地方, embracing the essence of peace and calm.
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